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Showing posts from April, 2009

How to attract clarity in our lives

⚘️It' Friday again. May Allah swt bless and give us goodness in this world and in the hereafter, and grant us Jannathul Firdous.🤲 On the day of Judgement the Prophet will lodge the following complaint. "Then the Messenger will say: "O my Lord! Truly my people took this Qur'an for just foolish nonsense." May Allah swt protect us from this and enable us to read, understand and follow the Quran only. Today, we will discuss two ways to attract clarity our lives. The First way In  33:43 " He is the One who prays upon you, along with His angels, to bring you out of darkness and into the light. And He is ever Merciful towards the believers" This will happen when we - praise Him(Allah swt) morning and evening ÙˆَسَبِّØ­ُوهُ بُÙƒْرَØ©ً ÙˆَØ£َصِيلًا Secondly, In 33: 56 "God and His angels prays upon the prophet. O you who believe, you shall pray upon him, and comply completely." Here, we are encouraged to pray upon the Prophet as God and His an

Prayer Is A gateway to Paradise Promised by Allah swt

The story of Mihraj or Ascension to the Heavens is a phenomenon only for our Prophet Muhammad saws. Whether you believe it or not it is all up to you. But when I read the story on and on I am beginning to know myself. Rasoolullah told us that if you want to know God – know thyself. It is a simple statement but to extract the essence of this message you need deep thinking about your self and your relationship with Allah swt. In that story, Hazereth Jibreel alaihisalam brought Prophet Muhammad saws to the worlds of the unseen. He showed our beloved Prophet that part of faith (with the command of our creator) which we utter in our daily lives with our tongue that is ‘wal yawmil akhiri’. And when he reached the entry to Allah’s presence Hazereth Jibreel Alaihisalam shivered with fear. Hazereth Jibreel alaihisalam said Prophet Muhammad saws, ‘stop, you go forward from here’. It has been stated in many hadiths that Hazereth Jibreel alaihisalam gave a serious impression to the Prophet. When

Actify Your Prayer For God To Answer

In every religion prayer is an essential part of that particular religion. But only in Islam the steps to reach God is clearly stated through prayer. The problem of today's muslim is that they are so defensive with their religion but they do not know what they are defending about. We have been separated with the higher eternal living but yet we have a door to reach God in an instant. That door is what God has given us to use it whenever you want to communicate with God. That door is through our 5 times prayer. A prayer of a devout muslim is faster than a rocket. It reaches God instantly. And God loves a muslim who pray with piety in his or her heart. Apart from preparation , intention , and the vey act of prayer one thing you need to do is to see God in your prayer - and to see him with certaintly. Let me explain the concept of certaintly. What is certainty? In the chapter 102 Al Takathur or Piling Up God's admonition those who pile up wealth conciously forgetting the hereafte