The story of Mihraj or Ascension to the Heavens is a phenomenon only for our Prophet Muhammad saws. Whether you believe it or not it is all up to you. But when I read the story on and on I am beginning to know myself. Rasoolullah told us that if you want to know God – know thyself. It is a simple statement but to extract the essence of this message you need deep thinking about your self and your relationship with Allah swt. In that story, Hazereth Jibreel alaihisalam brought Prophet Muhammad saws to the worlds of the unseen. He showed our beloved Prophet that part of faith (with the command of our creator) which we utter in our daily lives with our tongue that is ‘wal yawmil akhiri’. And when he reached the entry to Allah’s presence Hazereth Jibreel Alaihisalam shivered with fear. Hazereth Jibreel alaihisalam said Prophet Muhammad saws, ‘stop, you go forward from here’. It has been stated in many hadiths that Hazereth Jibreel alaihisalam gave a serious impression to the Prophet. When ...