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Showing posts from May, 2009

How To Actify And Attract Wealth In Your Life

Be realistic. The legitimate reason for living is to be happy. How can then you be happy without material things? You need a house to live in, food and drink to appease your hunger and quench the thirsts, and clothing to cover your bodies. In order to fulfil the daily needs you need financial stability. But how can you attract unlimited wealth? What is the secret to financial freedom? The key to financial freedom lies in chapter 2 verse 261: THE PARABLE of those who spend their possessions for the sake of God is that of a grain out of which grow seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains: for God grants manifold increase unto whom He wills; and God is infinite, all-knowing. Who can be the best teacher than our Creator who teaches a paradoxical approach in financial stability? Allah swt teaches us by way of allegory. According to the above verse, Allah swt says that He enriches the one who gives or spend for the cause of Allah swt by 700 times – you give and get more. This is the illog...