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Who Will Prosper?

W ho will prosper according to Allah swt? Prosperity is all that we desire in this life. Prosperity means materialism. This is what we understand by prosperity. The discovery of money is a convenient medium of exchange. But it has its own set of ills. Look at the things Allah swt created in this world. From the solar system to the deepest resources resting underneath the earth are all for human kind use. But are the world’s resources being distributed equally? I do not think so. It is because Man is basically is dwelling on greed. He wants to keep every penny for himself and his family. He cares less about his brothers and sisters. The richer is getting richer. If you really want to prosper follow the steps below: Fear Allah This is the most difficult thing to carry out if our faith is weak. But there are many ways you can make yourself to fear Allah swt. One way is to think about the world we live in. It is just a speck or a dot among the billions of worlds that Allah has created. If ...

What is Your Ranking?

As I was going to work one fine morning I saw a bird – I think it is ‘myna’- busily pecking a piece of disposed food under a tree. In the next minute I saw another bird of the same kind fluttering towards it to take its share of the morning blessings. The bird which has got the first meal quickly took its food and flew away. The poor second bird watched helplessly moving its head aimlessly in great disappointment. As I watched the entire scene, I felt a strong sense of giving the selfish bird a lesson on sharing. How am I going to do this? Either I breed some of the birds and teach them the instinct of sharing. Well, I do not know whether I can make them more caring. Selfish in animals and us is a programmed instinct of not allowing anyone into your territory and assets. It can be useful at times. But, we have to let go a little to your fellow being. At that moment I felt a sense of shame to my self as I am also part of the selfish game in this world. I also sensed that there are ‘Hol...

Make Me A Winner

O h Thee spring forth out of The Truth An exemplary conduct in this living truce Thy Soul shines through time and space Unfolding the subtle secrets of living maze All thy Blessed Companions of your time All Servants all Saints singing chime Emulate thee in spiritual chains Like Showering rain on parched grains Thy name I wrote in my tenderness On my left arm out of love Will thou not make me a winner here and above And blot my defects and make me sinless

Up On The Horizon

Stay Beside Me O Prophet We saw thy holy name On a Saturday evening sky As the horizon smiled with fame And my two companions made to sigh The vision of thy presence up high The clouds as greyish ink Our tired eyes refreshed blink With pleasant hearts’ awe Our souls with love did bow Oh Prophet how that I am in thy soul For every word and thought unmissed Uplifting the spiritual valor Making me feel like a billionare

The Vision of Prophet

Once More Oh Prophet thou had invited me How fortunate i can be Standing in a desert under a lonely shady tree Spiritual still to spree Thou has placed thy golden hands And made mine into magic wands i could have been a dirt in your lifetime But thou has given me spirtual confidence And made me walk with prudence After the convention clandestine Like the morn mist When i touched thy holy wrist On a roof in a breezy quiet night The sparkling dust Be the witness entrust over the secret of that lofty sight Give the world Or a river of gold For i do not touch a bit For i only want the incident repeat To touch thy hands and kiss thy feet Oh Prophet, my spiritual light thou lit

The Blind Man

Muhammad Frowned One day when Muhammad was preaching There came a blind man to the scene Interupting to know the Beyond But Muhammad at him frowned His heart was sincere to receive The Message from the above Only the world did the Meccans love And this Muhammad did not perceive From where did we came?, we forget Nothing but from a filth liquid thrown Where we are heading to?, Man often regret Our lives are on loan So heed the words of Allah and Rasul Do not reject faith and be a fool Live in this world like the droplets On the velvety flower petals

The Arrival of The Angel

THE COMING OF THE ARCHANGEL GABRIEL Muhammad sought loneliness Retired to Hira, sat amidst its darkness As the night of Arabia swept through He was up there as the cold wind blew As Muhammad was in deep thought An angel appeared in sight Asked him to read which he knew not For he could not read or write Muhammad spoke with fright And said he could not recite Gabriel embraced him thrice Five verses to memorize Took his energy, fled from the site Rushed home to his beloved spouse Shivering with fear through the night Kadijah comforted him in his house Waraqah, a monotheist in belief And made Muhammad relief For its the same angel who visited Moses And the other Prophets and Jesus. [angel] [arabia] [lady] [possessed]