The human heart is the most important part of the body. A wise person once said that it is the place where you can ‘hold’ Allah swt. Allah swt sees the heart. Allah swt says in Chapter 2 verse 225 as follows:
Therefore, the first things you have to do when you are approaching prayer try to feel that you are going to heaven. Feel in your heart that your place you are right now is ‘hell’. If a man who had walked on the desert for days without a drop of water and suddenly sees an oasis will rush to quench his thirst. This is exactly how you must feel towards prayer. Rush to the Creator to quench for all your needs – be it spiritual or material.
The first step for quality prayer- happiness shall precede when entering prayer. This is conditional. [part 3]
‘God will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the
intention in your hearts; and He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing’
Therefore, the first things you have to do when you are approaching prayer try to feel that you are going to heaven. Feel in your heart that your place you are right now is ‘hell’. If a man who had walked on the desert for days without a drop of water and suddenly sees an oasis will rush to quench his thirst. This is exactly how you must feel towards prayer. Rush to the Creator to quench for all your needs – be it spiritual or material.
The first step for quality prayer- happiness shall precede when entering prayer. This is conditional. [part 3]